Saturday, July 17, 2010

JUICE: Watermelon + Cucumber

Today, I wanted to make something refreshing to drink, and I've been noticing some other blog posts on this juice so I decided to give it a shot. It was pretty delicious! The ratio of watermelon to cucumber juice was off, too much watermelon juice. Nevertheless, it was worth it and I'm definitely going to try making it again! There weren't any lemons/limes in the house so next time I will add some of those, it would probably be a nice addition. I also need a finer strainer or some cheesecloth as some tiny bits still went through the strainer into the juice and made it grainy.

How beautiful is this green cucumber juice?? I tasted this alone, and it would work nicely just diluted in some water or as an agua fresca, blended with some ice.

Straining the watermelon juice - there was surprisingly not that much pulp from the watermelon, we had a really juicy and ripe one, so that probably helped.

Before mixing!

The finished product. Haha, it pretty much just looks like watermelon juice. I was expecting the color to be a bit muddy, mixing pink and green together but the watermelon juice definitely overpowered the overall color of the juice. Next time I'll add some lime juice and mint to make it even more refreshing :)


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