For some reason, my body decided to get sick right after Thanksgiving break ended, 2 weeks before finals week. I haven't gotten sick in 2 years, so why now?!?? Today is.. day 6 of the illness, so I'm hoping that it is on its way to end VERY soon. I've just been congested, coughing like crazy and aching all over my body (I won't go into the more gory details) -- so I feel like I should done with being sick. I'm sick of being sick!!! It's been hard to concentrate so not that much studying has been able to happen. What I was able to gather enough energy for, though, is to make myself some feel-good soup. I took inspiration from this recipe. Instead of using leftover roasted chicken, since I didn't have any, I made some chicken broth with 4 drumsticks, a knob of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic and some white pepper & sea salt, which was simmered for about an hour. I took the meat off of these drumstick bones to put back into the soup later. Also, I used fresh corn - so I cut the kernels off of 4 ears of corn for this soup, so I simmered it for longer than the 10 minutes that this recipe had originally called for. I also didn't "blitz" the corn and chicken broth mixture in the beginning because I don't have an immersion blender and am lazy; I prefer having whole kernels of corn anyways.
When serving, I placed a bed of spinach and a spoonful of rice on the bottom of my bowl and then spooned the hot soup mixture over it. The heat from the soup wilts the spinach nicely and heats up the rice. This is definitely a very comforting soup that I can see would be nice to make in the winter time as well as for people feeling under the weather.
Look at it bubbling away.. just hope that my sickness would evaporate as quickly as this steam..
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