Our orchid plants have been flowering like crazy lately!! These were some we cut off since they were weighing the plant down, and shockingly, new bud have appeared where we cut these off from! Who knew?
Anyways, I just wanted to share some things that I have recently purchased (yea.. make up ban broken.. but I have yet to buy any nail polish!). I made my first Nars purchase for myself: Grand Palais eyeshadow duo and their eyeshadow primer. I got 20% off and free 2-day shipping, so it was a good of a time as any to get these :)
Mac Prep+Prime transparent finishing powder/pressed - awesome! Although I haven't used it enough to make a final verdict on it. I do like how the compact has a mirror in it.
Jergens Skin Firming Daily Toning Moisturizer--nice scent that is not overpowering, easily absorbs into the skin.. has glycerin (sucks in moisture from your suroundings) & collagen (firms skin) in it. I've been using this for about 2 weeks now, and I have to say that I have noticed a very slight firming of my skin, but it is not too significant.
Now, onto some food items I have been enjoying lately. First I've been drinking a lot more tea than coffee and in attempt to save money from going to Starbucks all the time, I got the Stash Double Spice Chai, Tazo Zen & Passion Teas at Target. Starbucks brews these same exact Tazo teas in their store so the Zen is the green tea they use and the Passion is the passion tea they have. I've just been brewing them in batches (no sugar added), storing it in the fridge and drinking to my hearts content! I add lemonade to them sometimes as well, which adds some sweetness since lemonade that you buy in store has sugar in it (I've been getting the Simply Lemonade). This Chai is not the same as Starbucks, but does the trick just fine. I do add sugar to this when I brew it; unsweetened Chai tastes pretty nasty to me. Store it in the fridge, and then when I drink it I add some milk to it to make my own Iced Chai Latte.
Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt--OBSESSED! These yogurts with the fruit ont he bottom are so delicious. They really hit the spot when you're craving desserts and so far I have tried the chocolate, lemon, blueberry & strawberry flavors. Chocolate yogurt is not really my favorite; I shall stick with fruit with my yogurt. These were 2 flavors that stuck out to me so I'm excited to try them out. I think I'm gonna take them to school with me to have with my lunch.

Fresh Express Sweet Butter is the best! My grocery store tends to sell these buy one get one free, so whenever I see that I have to get it. Yea, I know, bagged salad what a waste of money but it's so convenient and this lettuce is really really good with balsamic vinaigrette.
I have also been trying to eat more fruit lately, even though I do eat enough on a normal basis. Over the summer it's been mostly watermelon. I've always been a fan of bananas and clementines. One of our neighbors has a longan tree so we have a stash of them in the freezer right now; I have to be careful eating those because one too many and I get nauseous/break out. Recently cherries & peaches have been on my favored fruit list. I'm guessing that cherries are in season right now since they are more prominent in the store and they're freaking huge! And i just had to take a photo of this beautiful humongous peach. I prefer white peaches or nectarines, but peaches are fine too I guess :).
Alrighty, hope everyone had a great summer.. not really ready to go back to school, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?